EquinoX Unify
Use Rates:
Use 1-4 pints of EQUINOX™ Unify per 100 gallons of spray solution to prevent antagonistic tank mixing conditions.
Use 3–6 pints of EQUINOX™ Unify per 100 gallons of spray solution to correct tank mix incompatibilities.
2 x 2.5 gallons per case
250 gal minibulk container
EQUINOX™ Unify is a powerful compatibility agent formulated to optimize tank mix compatibility and prevent problems associated with tank mixing a wide range of crop protection products in water, suspension fertilizers, UAN or ATS solutions. EQUINOX™ Unify can also show functionality as a spreader and buffering agent depending on the use rate.
Why choose EquinoX™ Unify?
Optimizes compatibility and prevents the plugging of screens, nozzles, and lines
Prevents build-up, for easier clean-out and less cross-contamination
Improves coverage on leaf surfaces to ensure a more uniform application