
Biological Seed Treatment

CeraMax® is a new biological seed treatment for the prevention of soilborne fungal diseases including Fusarium virguliforme, the causal agent of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in soybeans.

Performance Benefits
• Powerful protection against SDS without constraints
• Efficacy against a broader range of fungus diseases
• Top seed safety profile for germination and stand protection 
• No phytotoxic seedling stress of the Halo Effect
• Compatible with other seed treatments and inoculants 
• No time restrictions between treatment and use

Trial Information

+ Better Plant Vigor

CeraMax shows improved plant vigor versus ILeVO with no signs of phytotoxic stess on cotyledons.

+ Phytotoxic Effect

In 15 field trials, soybeans treated with CeraMax showed no phytotoxic stress on seedlings. ILeVO showed signs of Halo Effects and necrosis on almost every seedling in all plots.

+ Better Seed Safety

CeraMax shows no negative impact on seed germination even at the highest allowable dose rate.

+ Better SDS Control

Soybeans treated with Acceleron Standard + CeraMax result in lower SDS incidence compared to Acceleron Standard across all SDS disease classifications.

+ Better Fungal Disease Control

CeraMax shows improved control versus ILeVO for Rhizoctonia seedling disease.